Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cycle 5

Welcome to Cycle 5!

I am excited to announce that I have began to write programs that will show during my TED Talk. They include all the techniques tat I introduced in earlier weeks. To make it less overwhelming, I decided to make simpler, more "to the point" programs, than one large program that does everything. I plan to show these during my talk and give brief explanations on what they do.

Other things I did this week were: I started looking at some more techniques and tried adding my own twists to the examples given in my book. For example, I learned about Java functions called loops. A loop is a function that tells the computer to do something over and over again until a desired outcome is displayed. Loops can be used in many circumstances, but in this case, I'll show you a guessing game. This is a small part of a guessing game program:

while (inputNumber != randomNumber) {
out.println () ;
out.println ("Try again") ;

This part of a looped program tells the computer to redo the original task, which, by the way, was to ask a player what the secret number was. This loop is put after the parts of the program that ask the player what they are going to do. This is because the computer needs to know what to ask before knowing what to do after asking.

Another technique I learned this week was how to save and reuse parts of programs, called code. I found this very interesting because I found out that I would have many problems with simply copying and pasting code into a new program. I learned that I would have to make the code fit with the new program by tweaking it to work with the context of the program. This was a bit complicated so I'm not going to show any examples, since it would be difficult to include many programs into this blog. Instead, I'll move on to my talk.

During this week I figured out what I wanted to do for my talk during class. I decided to speak about my inspiration from Robotics and the 21 century technology updates. This proved to be very motivational for me since I realized I could do so much with my programming. This, I decided, would be the heart of my speech. I thought I could also show some simpler programs that I shared in my blog during the past weeks to give the audience a sense of what I dove headfirst into. I hope to reach the minds of the audience members and motivate them to try programming because of its benefits.

So, I've definitely come a long way from week one. Next week I'll be finalizing my talk presentation and tying up some loose ends about what I learned about Java so I can speak about it on stage.

See you next cycle!

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