Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TED Talk Self Reflection

Today, I presented my TED Talk about the Java programming language to our gifted class. This was a great experience for me since it improved my presentation skills and provided and opportunity for me to inspire and teach.

I thought the content of the speech was spot on. It covered most of the topics necessary and allowed me to explain the Java language a bit, something I treasured. However, I did notice that I did not explicitly state my purpose for the project. During the Q/A session, I did explain my purpose of using Java on the robotics team; but since this was not mentioned in the talk, I lowered my score a little bit.

In terms of delivery of the talk, I thought I did well. The introduction and conclusion were in full circle format, something I thought would put meaning to the speech. I also thought the hook to my talk was pretty interesting. Another thing I tried to do was land a couple of jokes. After presenting, I did realize that my jokes weren't as funny as they were supposed to be. This made the talk awkward at points. Adding to this was the point at which I had a pause of around 2 seconds to breath and find my place. Due to these factors, I rated my score lower than maximum for delivery.

After analyzing my presentation, I settled on a critical, yet comfortable grade for my TED Talk. I rate myself:

26/30 or 86.7%

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